Is Having a Paycheck Hindering Your business? May 31, 2019 Real estate agents don’t earn a paycheck. We get paid based on our efforts and when ou[...]
Guaranteed ways to generate leads from Social Media October 3, 2018 As a practicing agent and now broker owner, I’ve used social media with intention for th[...]
IGTV – What are you waiting for? Use it Today! July 17, 2018 What are you waiting for? Start using IGTV for Real Estate Today! You are hearing it fr[...]
10 Reasons to go Paperless March 31, 2018 Have you ever needed a document while on vacation? How about when you are out of the offic[...]
Let’s Talk About the DM July 3, 2017 No, DM is not a dirty word! It’s how we message each other on social media. My gener[...]
Generate Leads with Snapchats New Feature June 25, 2017 So, what is this new feature? The new Snapchat feature allows your friends and others to[...]
Snapchat for Business October 20, 2016 It’s been a few years since I started using Snapchat. I downloaded the app during a ne[...]
Facebook Live Vs. Periscope June 6, 2016 Live Streaming gives a face to your personal brand and your business. In 2015 Periscope g[...]
Revolutionary Tips on Generational Marketing for Real Estate February 4, 2016 Understanding how different generations are shaped will help you understand how to reach p[...]
Does the REAL ESTATE Industry design software for REALTORS® or Consumers? February 8, 2015 Does the REAL ESTATE Industry design software for REALTORS® or Consumers? I love Margaret[...]