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Real Estate Beyond Social Media
Social Media is one of the best ways to build any small business. It’s easier and faster to generate a lead in today’s market than ever before. In the early 2000’s I remember when we had to place a buy newspaper ads, door knock, put out doorknob bags, cold call and send direct mail marketing to compete in this industry. We also built our businesses with our friends, neighbors and family. Also known as your sphere of influence and relationship building. Some of us actually used a fax machine to send flyers. This was the every day hustle for most real estate agents.
Today, I use Social Media to build relationships, connect with friends, colleagues, and education. Social Media has changed the way I generate leads and close deals.
Although, social media has changed the game, real estate agents need to know the basics of the business.
Beyond Social media we need to understand the rules, how to work with buyers and sellers, how to explain statistics, know our markets, manage a transaction and follow up. You can be the best social media marketer, but if you don’t get the basic skills of selling real estate you will end up losing clients or building a successful business.
Every month I have the opportunity to teach approximately 200 new real estate agents. When your agents come to class the only thing they want is a paycheck. In most cases the newbie agents signed up thinking they were getting a “Real Job”. Someone forgot to tell them they were responsible for generating their own business. I’m often asked if I can coach or mentor agents. I am always happy to help you spend your money, but before I do, there are so many tools available to help with becoming a better agent.
Take all the free training from your brokerage – if it’s not free, why? If you are paying monthly fees to have your license with a firm, why are spending extra money for training? If you signed up for a 100% company, then I can see why you pay for training. You signed up to make all the money when you close a deal, so the company holding your license needs to make money too. Basically, 100% is 100% for a reason. If the truth be told, 100% of nothing equals nothing. You could easily be the broke agent if you don’t get training. So educate yourself! On-demand learning. Join Marki and I in Real Estate Live with Carrie & Marki, where we educate agents on Facebook.
Sign up for every free course provided by your local association. It doesn’t matter who you sign up with, 100%, flat fee, or a split based firm, you can get the training if you seek it out.
Sign up for every MLS class. In my market our MLS trains you at no additional cost. You do pay for training in your dues, but you can show up to class for “FREE”.
If you take advantages of training you will be better off than agents that have been in the market for years. Once we think we’ve learned it all, we stop learning. Go get the education and keep learning.
Here’s what hard, we want to go from not understanding to understanding everything there is to being a real estate agent overnight. It just won’t happen. You have to become a learner of the business, work longer hours than a regular Monday through Friday job, and become an entrepreneur.
“It takes 10,000 hours to become an expert” Malcolm Gladwall
“My full time job will not accommodate your part time efforts” Marki Lemons-Rhyal
Do you want tips on how to start in your first six weeks of business? Click here for my jump-start guide to beginning in real estate.
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