1. Create momentum – Stay in their news feed
2. Make something so cool that it’s worth sharing – re-sharing content is like a warm introduction to their friends and hopefully they will like your page
3. Become the news – become news worthy to get liked and re-shared. Ask questions and this will increase visibility.
4. Use Facebook as your page. By commenting on other pages. Allows you to share as a business.
5. Tag other pages in your post – post praise for that pages achievement
6. Build an audience – section under manage your business. Invite personal contacts to your page and use your online email systems to invite others to your business page.
7. Don’t get frustrated building an audience takes work. Stick with it!
8. Finally just ask for a referral from your existing fans.
Always take the opportunity to ask someone to LIKE you on Facebook or FOLLOW you on Twitter.
Examples.: Email signature, E-blast from programs or your CRM