What Do You Really Want?

Everyone wants something out of life. It might be success, a new job, a vacation, more money, flexibility or maybe to reach a childhood dream. In order to get what you really want we have to change our thinking. To complete our journeys, we need to reassess where we are today. It’s often hard to reach our dreams because life seems to get in the way. We have jobs, family, kid’s sports, kid’s recitals, and every day chores. One thing is for sure, it’s never too late to get back on the path to success and reach our dreams.
If you could have what you really want, what would it be? Yes, pause, write down what you really want. It might be to write a book, blog, increase your income or more free time. Whatever it is you can have what you really want with commitment. The journey is really simple, if you start with a purpose, getting what you really want is easier than you think. When you have a purpose for what you do it’s easier to get up in the morning and focus on what you really want. I absolutely love helping real estate agents reach their full potential using technology, social media and the tools they access every day. The thrill of seeing others succeed actually gives me energy and excitement.
Get back on the path to success today. The Journey really does start with you. I challenge you to write down what you really want. Here are a few ways to get started.
- Write down what you want – What is the one thing you want?
- What is your purpose? Why do you want what you really want? Dream BIG!
- Block time to work on your one thing. Don’t let anyone distract you. Not the phone, social media or email. Shut the door and focus. Let others know you have set an appointment to focus.
- Consider reading the book, “The One Thing”.
This year my one thing is to blog every week. I created a blog calendar in December with specific themes each month. If the conversation is changing online, I’ve given myself permission to change the blog post. I block time to write, create video and schedule my blog. My vision is to become the go to person for Digital Marketing and Analytics for Agents, Real Estate companies, associations and small businesses.
What’s do you really want? Share it and tell us that your journey has begun.