Virtual Office 101 April 7, 2020 Working from home is nothing new for REALTORS. However, using virtual tools, learning via[...]
Digital Marketing Assessment for Real Estate Agents February 29, 2020 Whether your building a personal brand, reinventing yourself, generate quality leads or t[...]
Are you a new agent? Ask a lot of questions! January 31, 2020 If you could go back in time, what would you do differently and what questions would you a[...]
Easy Ways to Build Better Social Media Graphics! November 26, 2019 In the world of technology, we have so many options to build info-graphics for our industr[...]
Are you motivated by what you see? June 30, 2019 In today’s social world we are exposed to so much content it’s hard to keep up. We k[...]
Is Having a Paycheck Hindering Your business? May 31, 2019 Real estate agents don’t earn a paycheck. We get paid based on our efforts and when ou[...]
Real Estate Beyond Social Media March 2, 2019 Social Media is one of the best ways to build any small business. It’s easier and fast[...]
3 Brokers Walk Into a Bar February 10, 2019 Professionalism, training hurdles, commissions, and sales meeting incentives were among th[...]
Your Past Employment Prepared you for Real Estate October 15, 2018 What was your first “Real Job”? Did you hate it or love it? Every job you've ever[...]
Guaranteed ways to generate leads from Social Media October 3, 2018 As a practicing agent and now broker owner, I’ve used social media with intention for th[...]