What’s Next for Real Estate Agents May 19, 2020 Ask yourself these questions. If real estate agent sales did not exist the way it exists t[...]
Virtual Office 101 April 7, 2020 Working from home is nothing new for REALTORS. However, using virtual tools, learning via[...]
Easy Ways to Build Better Social Media Graphics! November 26, 2019 In the world of technology, we have so many options to build info-graphics for our industr[...]
Are you motivated by what you see? June 30, 2019 In today’s social world we are exposed to so much content it’s hard to keep up. We k[...]
3 Brokers Walk Into a Bar February 10, 2019 Professionalism, training hurdles, commissions, and sales meeting incentives were among th[...]
IGTV – What are you waiting for? Use it Today! July 17, 2018 What are you waiting for? Start using IGTV for Real Estate Today! You are hearing it fr[...]
The Instagram Story Take Over Event July 7, 2018 Join me July 14th, 2018 at 8:30am to learn how to master Instagram Stories for your busine[...]
10 Reasons to go Paperless March 31, 2018 Have you ever needed a document while on vacation? How about when you are out of the offic[...]
Amazon Go! Will there be a Real Estate Go? February 11, 2018 Amazon Go is changing the way we shop It’s all about speed for the consumer. What doe[...]
Have a Successful 2018 January 2, 2018 Each week I try to write a blog post to focus on your business success. This year I am g[...]