We’ve all heard the stories, “Rome wasn’t build in a day”, or “A watched pot never boils.” This is true with social media. However, no matter where you are in the social media sandbox, you can generate new business.
There is also truth in, “Your network determines your net worth”. As agents, we must always grow our our networks and our sphere.
If you want to build a successful lead generation funnel, you have to talk the consumer the way they hear!
Ask yourself….
✔️ What does the consumer want to hear? Or your network?
✔️ “Are you posting on social media consistently?”
✔️ Are you getting the engagement you expected?
✔️ Do people ask you questions, comment or click your calls to actions?
It’s time to have a conversation around social media! I’ll share my tips and strategies from other agents in thiis video below. I’ve been playing in this sandbox since 2009. So I’ve got plenty of ways to help you on social media.
- There is no perfect social media. Social media works when you work. If don’t have any followers, then lead generation will be different for you. However, I know people that have social media because we need it to be found on social media, but their network is huge. You can have 100 connections and still generate leads.
- We can’t just post to post. However, if you are posting just to post, you are doing better than those that don’t post at all. The next goal is to create a plan to post with intention
- What does your audience want from you? Are people motivated by what the see, hear and can do? Then let’s go! Forgive, the next generation doesn’t want to work as hard as we do, but it doesn’t mean they won’t work. They just won’t work the way we work.
- Who is your audience? Who are your connections? Who are your fans? My fans are watching but not always engaging. people want to talk to me but they will wait until I show up in person, text me, email me, try to call me or send a private message. Yep, Marc is working on a new deal. The one in Addison is finished. Go check out his IG. I am sure, in my sparetime, if I interviewed Marc, I could sell out a class on investing. We all watch what others do, but Marc could careless if his stuff is online.
- Get over yourself, you need video. There is really something about clean video. You really don’t need all that extra stuff. “Trust me” Really, don’t make it odd or wierd. Ask your friends what they think. If they tell you fix it. I won’t tell you unless you ask, but don’t ask me if you don’t want the truth. If I make a mistake and someone tells, me, I go look and fix it.
- You do need to be human, we cannot be perfect everyday.
- You cannot keep you so, Stop it! If you keep trying to keep up, you won’t work. You have to work this business, post on social media use direct mail, capture emails, text messages, and emails. Your money is in your database. Seriously, for real. If not, you are old school coldcalling.
- Real Estate is not a sales business, it’s a relationship business. You must continue to build relationships.
So, How do you make social media work for you?
- Know your audience, what do they want from you? If you are the next generation, Wealth building all day long! What tips can you share about wealth buidling?
- Document your real estate journey on social media. Buy a mutli unit then share with your friends how you did it. Show that it can be done!
- Share content for the consumer, not us. We love to show, “look at me I just sold another house” How about an awesome testimony about home ownership. A great video of the client’s experience
- Have small group events with your clients and have them invite a potential client. Post about the events
- Pick one thing and own it! Then create content around it and continue to post about. Are you an expert in a certain city? Talk about the city, things to do and a why to find it.
- You are the brand, so showcase yourself in the process and don’t forget you “CANNOT show someone else’s listing while showing homes. PERIOD. Ready to create your own brand, listen to podcast on building a brand.
- Pick a day to create video – be consistent. It really really really works.
- All direct mail should have your social media on it. My new project – YouTube channel to agents.
- Focus on your clients, your network, building a following engaging with your network and ask for the business.
- You must have a call to action and then follow up.
The formula
- niche + your network + consistency + video + reels + engagement + lead capture + ask for the business + follow up + time + patience = Making social media work for you